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I believe this week is to do with routines that you wish you could achieve, either in agility, strength, gymnastics.. maybe even cooking!
A tricky one- and one that I've been thinking about since we were given these topics. I have chosen routines that would help me wield a weapon. Violent, I know. Yet, not all weapons are swords and guns.

1. The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
Katniss Everdeen
I have always been fascinated with archery. And I love the opening scenes where Katniss is hunting in the woods- the calming woods, in that focused manner.
Jaime Lannister

*spoiler for book3 and onwards*
The his hand went choppy chop, and he had to relearn that skill with his left.
3. Illuminae by Amie Kaufman, Jay Kristoff
Kady Grant

Kady is a hacker. Well, at least good with computer code and using it to her advantage. I've always wanted to learn a bit of computer coding, but to get into others files would be handy. If a little bit illegal.
4. Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas
Celaena Sardothien
I specifying book one for this one. Celaena goes from a body that was strong and able to weak from slavery at the salt mines and then back again when she retrains throughout the book. I would love to be able to get myself from bad shape into bad-ass shape.
5. Nevernight by Jay Kristoff
Mia Covere
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