Here are a few of those books.
Cinder (The Lunar Chronicles #1)
Marissa Meyer
But, Lauren, haven't you read the entire series?
Yes, gentlefriend, I have.
Doesn't mean I liked book one. I got told that if Tangled was my favourite Disney movie, I should continue on and get to book three because of Cress and Thorne. I LOVE CRESS AND THORNE.
The writing was meh, the plot so unbelievably predictable. And I found the characters 2D.
Sarah J. Maas
I have a love/hate relationship with Maas'. I loved ACOMAF and QoS. And that's about it. Oh no- I did enjoy the first two books in SJM's Throne of Glass series. This one just lacked editing. The plot circled rounI twice over and we're supposed to route for Aelin? NAHHHH. If she wrecks Manon in the final book- I'm gonna be burning my copies.

James Dashner
I hold no love for this book. Or this series really.
But, that ending. AFTER ALL THAT?! A fucking cop out, in my opinion. I won't spoil anything, but if you've readcop, you know.
I get there are more books in the series and a prequel. Well nope. Fuck that.
Stephanie Perkins
Anna is just ARGHGH! Wants to be a film critic but basically doesn't know that there is more to cinema than American and British films. Have you seen Danish and French films?! They're great!! I know nothing about films, yet still know this.
One of the conflicts is based entirely on cheating. And the love interests is more of a destination map than a person.
Matched (Matched #1)
Ally Condie
This got thrown into the YA mix when we had that big boom a
of dystopias. Remember?
I finished The Hunger Games and Divergent, and needed that new fix. The characters where bland, the plot the same just with a new filter. I'm not upset about the book, just that I paid full. fucking. price.
Are there any books that you'd rather toss in the bin then let others pick up?
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