Top 5 Wednesday is a weekly blog group that comes together to discuss that week's topic. The idea was first curated by the wonderful Lainey at GingerReadLainey and is now run by Samantha over on ThoughtsonTomes.
If you wish to participate, either on your Blog or Booktube channel then, please, join the group on Goodreads for all the relevant topics.

1. A Darker Shade of Magic (Shades of Magic #1)
V.E. Schwab
Waiting for someone to comment about how I use Schwab's books for every answer. You think this is bad? I once used 7 references in a paragraph whilst talking about V's work in a University essay.
I want to be able to pass through into alternate London's. as much as I love my own London I'd love to see what else is out there.
2. Assassin's Apprentice (Farseer Trilogy #1)
Robin Hobb
There are various types of magic within Hobb's Realm of the Elderlings, The Wit being one of them. A type of "beast" magic that is seen as a "dirty" and those found to have the ability are put down.
I really love the idea of being bonded with an animal, to know their mind and become almost like a pack. I feel like I had something like that with my two furbabies, when I had them, just without the intimate bond with the mind.

3. Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell
Susanna Clarke
I love this Dickensian-esque tale about the only two magicians in England. Their magic feeds back into the lore of fae and fairytales and I find it for a fascinating read (when I actually do pick it - I am yet to actually finish the final 200 pages).
4. City of Bones (The Mortal Instruments #1)
Cassandra Clare
I love the concept of the half-angelic using a language gifted from their creators that help hone whatever superior strengths they may already have.
5. Uprooted
Naomi Novik
I don't remember exactly the magic of Uprooted, other than it was not quite set to a complete magic structure, a little bit more unpredictable and I think that is why I loved it.
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